Qube 2048
How to play Qube 2048 in Arc8
Game principles
The principle of the game is to shoot numbered cubes across the board, in order to merge 2 of the same number. Every 5 seconds, a new row of cubes is generated at the back and pushed down to the play area. Each time you merge cubes, points are added to your score. You can also multiply your score using boosters.
There is a red line ⅔ of the way down the board. If any cubes cross this line, it is game over.
Game goal
The goal of the game is to reach the highest score before the time runs out, and keep cubes away from the red line. You should try to reach 2048 because merging this cube gives the highest score bonus.
Possible ends of the game
There are two possible ends of the game.
Game Over – A cube crosses the red line
Time’s up – The time limit runs out
Power Ups
There are three types of power-ups:
Dynamite Cube — This cube explodes on impact, giving points for every cube it destroys. The higher the number on the cube, the more points you will get!
The Fist — Nothing can stop this cube. Fire it straight towards a heap of troublesome cubes and it will destroy everything in its path, while also adding to the points tally depending on the numbers written on the cubes.
The Rainbow Cube — The friendliest of all the cubes, the Rainbow Cube will merge with whichever other cube it hits first, making it easier to reach that all-important 2048.
Scoring system
You get points every time cubes are merged. The base score is equal to the number of the new cube. For instance, if you merge 2 and 2, you get 4 points. This also applies if you use the rainbow cube. If you merge the rainbow cube with a number 2 cube, you will get 4 points.
If you use the Dynamite Cube or The Fist cube, the score is equal to the sum of the numbers on the destroyed cubes. For instance, if you destroy cubes 4, 8 and 16, you will get 28 points.
When you get a new highest cube number (starting at creating cube 32), you get a score of 10x the value of the new cube. So, if your new highest cube is 64, you get 640 points.
Score Boosters
If you merge cubes quickly enough, you can get a time-limited score booster, ranging from 1x to 5x. Each placed cube in the game fills the power-up progress bar.
The first score booster (1x) is activated after you have merged 6 cubes in a row. The second score booster is after merging 8 cubes in a row, and then 10 cubes in a row, and so on.
If you activate a score booster (1x – 5x), the score is multiplied by the booster. For example, if you merge 2 and 2 – and you have a 3x score booster activated – you will get 12 points.
When you get a 10x bonus for a new highest cube number (starting at creating cube 32), you can also apply a score booster. For instance, if you create cube 64 and get your 10x bonus, you would have 640 points. But if you have a 3x score booster active, you will not get 640 points for this, but 1920 points.
If you use the Dynamite Cube or The Fist cube, you can also apply a score booster. For instance, if you destroy 4, 8 and 16, you will normally get 28 points. But if you have a 3x booster active, then you will get 84 points.
Last updated
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