Telegram WatPoint Mining & Hodling

FAQ on Wat Protocol Episode 2: The WatPoint Mine

What is Telegram WatPoint Mining?

Telegram WatPoint mining is the activity for Episode Two of GAMEE's Wat Protocol.

It takes place on Telegram, where players need to mine their share of the WatPoints.

To take part, visit and click 'Start Mining'.

What are WatPoints?

WatPoints are what you collect in GAMEE's Wat Protocol. Their purpose will be revealed in a later Episode of the Wat Protocol.

How can I claim my WatPoints?

Your WatPoints from mining are kept on Telegram. You can see how much WatPoints you have by going to your Telegram profile.

Telegram accounts are not connected to the Wat Protocol website, which is for WatPoints you have collected by holding GMEE. WatPoints from Telegram mining (and elsewhere) and WatPoints from participating in other Episodes via the website are separate balances.

Can I still take part in mining if I didn't take part in another episode of the Wat Protocol?

Yes. To take part in the Telegram mining, you only need a Telegram account. Telegram accounts and the Wat Protocol website are not connected.

GMEE holders on Ethereum can still also participate in Episode Three on the Wat Protocol website.

How many WatPoints can I mine per hour?

You will see the default mining rate when you go to the mining app. To begin, click 'Start Mining'. You must then claim your WatPoints in order to mine again.

How can I increase my mining rate/mining cap?

  • Invite friends: Gain +10 WatPoints per hour for every active friend (up to 20 friends)

  • Spend Tickets: Use the Tickets you've collected in games and challenges (via the @GAMEE bot) to increase your mining cap to +20 WatPoints per hour. You can do this multiple times.

I have invited friends – why hasn't my mining rate increased?

When you start mining, your rate stays the same until the end of that session. New friends are only counted when the next session begins. For example, if you start mining at 10 am and your friend starts mining at 10.05 am, your rate will not increase until the next session.

Also, to count towards your boost, your friend(s) must be actively mining. This means they have mined within the last 24 hours.

Also, if your rate has not increased, you may have reached your Mining Cap. To increase your Mining Cap, use Tickets that you have earned in Telegram games and challenges (via the @GAMEE bot).

My WatPoint balance is full on Telegram. Can I still mine more?

Yes. When you have reached your mining cap, you have to claim your mined WatPoints, and then click "Restart Mining". You can also increase your mining cap by spending Tickets.

Can I create a team if I am already in a team?

Yes. You can join your friend's team to help him/her gain +10 WatPoints per hour, and then create your own team to get +5 mining bonuses from your friends.

I have another question.

Sorry that we couldn't answer it here! You can ask in @GAMEETalk on Telegram, or swing by our Discord Server and ask us there!

Last updated