Wizards 21
Scoring System
The score is awarded for creating combinations within each column.
Completing a Blackjack with any number of cards is worth +150 points.
Completing a column with a Wild card is worth +200 points.
Completing a Blackjack with just two cards (10+J/Q/K) is worth +400 points.
Placing 5 cards within a column is worth +600 points.
Completing 2 columns in a row result in Combo worth extra +300 points. Completing 3 columns in a row result in Super Combo worth extra +600 points.
Getting more than 21 points in a column results in losing one life.
When clearing all the cards from the deck, each extra life remaining is worth +300 points.
Upon clearing all the cards from the deck, the remaining time contributes towards the time bonus. The % of time left is the % of the player’s score added to the base score at the end of the game.
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